Michelangelo’s David, Galleria dell’Accademia, Florence
There’s an oft-told story about the great artist, Michelangelo.
When asked how he carved the statue of David, he said:
“I see the angel in the stone. And then I carve away anything that isn’t the angel.”
This time, I hear it from Tommy Rivs, one of my iFit App trainers. He’s teaching me how to race – not just run – a 5K.
Applying Michelangelo’s approach to life and health, Tommy asked:
“What’s the vision you have for your life and health? A vision that goes beyond mere numbers – like running fast, reaching a certain race time, finishing a specific number of races.”
Good question. Right now, I don’t know.
I can’t seem to focus. So many thoughts and ideas swirling about – the product of a brain that hasn’t been allowed any down time for 30 years. (That’s my own damn fault.)
But once I have a clear vision, I have a responsibility. I have to stop doing whatever doesn’t fit that vision. I can’t justify wasting time with busyness and activity that doesn’t move me in the direction I want to go.
(Mind you, not that I ever could justify the time I squandered ….)
Years ago, I had my chart read by a psychic. She saw planets clustered together. “It’s like you’re trying to live three lives at once!” she exclaimed. It would explain why I’ve had a tough time committing to a path with my whole heart. Happiness and entrepreneurial satisfaction always seemed to exist just beyond that next credential and that other service offering and those new networking events.
That’s behind me now. Now, it’s time to decide. To (literally) “cut off” everything but what’s most important. To figure out what calls me deeply … instead of being sucked into the temptation of “shiny objects.”
What does my angel in the stone look like?